Welcome Message from IEEE Canada President

On behalf of IEEE Canada, it is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the annual IEEE Canada Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2021), taking place virtually on October 22-24 and October 30-31 2021.
EPEC 2021 is the 21th annual IEEE Canadian flagship Conference, with topics that include but are not limited to the following:
- Digital Transformation of Power and Energy Systems
- Real-Time Simulation
- System Resilience
- Active Distribution systems
- Power System Protection and Wide Area Protection
- Power System Stability and Control
- AC/DC Power Quality
- Distributed Energy Resources
- Microgrids and Isolated Grids
- Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
- Cyber Security
- Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
- Smart Grids
- Wireless Power Transmissions
- Electrical Machines & Drivers
- Transactive Energy and Electricity Markets
- HVDC, FACTS, and High-Power Converters
- Renewable Sources of Energy and Cogeneration
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, this year EPEC2021 will be online. EPEC2021 provides a great opportunity for researchers, students, and Engineers in power area from Canada and around the world to meet online and disseminate their research advancements and discoveries. This conference will also be beneficial for networking and exchanging ideas to strengthen existing partnerships and foster new collaborations.
This year, the EPEC 2021 will feature Industry Panels, Humanitarian Technology Workshop, tutorials, Second Richard Marceau Energy Symposium and Women in Engineering Panel, and technical sessions and Keynotes. EPEC 2021 also featured with Student Poster Competition, which provides good opportunity for the student involvements.
This conference program is highlighted by keynote talks delivered by six distinguished scholars:
Dr. Claudio Canizares, Prof. Bikash Pal, Prof. Chi Yung CHUNG, Dr. Innocent Kamwa, John D. McDonald, and Dr. Shay Bahramirad.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all participants, authors, sponsors, exhibitors, and patrons for their contributions to this conference, as well as many thanks to the volunteers of the conference organizing committees. I wish you all a very successful and enjoyable online conference and look forward to meeting you all in person in the future.
Enjoy the conference!
Jason Gu, PhD, PEng.,FEIC, FCAE
IEEE Canada President, 2020-2021
IEEE Region 7 Director, 2020-2021
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dalhousie University
1360 Barrington Street, C367
Halifax, NS B3J 1Z1