Welcome Message from IEEE EPEC 2021 Vice General Chair
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the IEEE Canada Electric Power and Energy Conference, we warmly welcome you to its second virtual event. This year, our EPEC will feature more than 100 paper presentations along with tutorials, special sessions, panels, eight plenary keynote talks, and many guest speakers. The program represents the latest technical developments in the field. Our choice of keynote speakers addresses future paradigms that will shake the electrical utility business.
The EPEC 2021 organizing committee is running with the theme of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Future Sustainable with accomplished speakers and leaders. On the financial side, the IEEE Canada, IEEE Toronto Section, Phoenix Contact, IEEE Power & Energy Society, IEEE Power Electronics Society and IEEE Industry Applications Society are the main supporters of the conference. We also gratefully acknowledge the generous support of our exhibitors.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge the tremendous voluntary efforts of the Organizing Committee members and all other volunteers, who have generously donated their time and experience. We would also like to thank the chairs of the technical program committee and the reviewers. We are also grateful to the plenary keynote speakers, tutorial instructors, and forum panelists and we thank them for helping to make the conference a success. Authors and participants are also key elements and we thank them too.
Dr. Alireza Siadatan, Ph.D., P.Eng., SMIEEE
Vice General & Finance Chair, EPEC2021